Shopify Odoo Connector
Shopify Odoo Connector Are you planning to move your shopify website to connect your Odoo ERP solution, but you have no idea how to go with it? Before moving shopify to odoo, Let’s check features that will work with our business model. Features Highlights Multiple shops In our Shopify connector,we Manage multiple ShopifyInstances from One screen Import operation Import Products, Orders, Sale Orders, Inventory, Location from Shopify to odoo using this connector. Export Operation We manage export operations like export products and update the order status. Import sale orderwith auto workflow In our Shopify connector,we Manage multiple ShopifyInstances from One screen Manage inventory Import Products, Orders, Sale Orders, Inventory, Location from Shopify to odoo using this connector. Automatic QueueJobs We manage export operations like export products and update the order status. Manage logs forevery operation In our Shopify connector,we Manage multiple ShopifyInstances from One screen Refund Order Import Products, Orders, Sale Orders, Inventory, Location from Shopify to odoo using this connector. Price List We manage export operations like export products and update the order status. Features Setup and configure your Shopify instance After complete successfully installing this module, after need permit access rights for this module then after you will be able to see the Shopify dashboard. first, go to Shopify >> Configuration >> Instance menu and create new instance for your Shopify shop. Setup import configure for this shopify instance For importing product and order configure this. For configuration exporting product and order status . For automatic operation configuration . There we give auto operation functionality for easy work and smooth flow. there are five auto operations like1) Auto import order operation2) Auto import product operation3) Auto update order status operation4) Auto export stock operation5) Auto import stock operation Import product configuration For importing product:- You can perform import operation from Shopify->Shopiy Operation . When you perform an import operation then product Queue will create that Queue process from the scheduler action and create a product. Please be verify before importing product check whether import configuration for for the product is set or not, it is not set please set this configuration from Shopify >> Configuration >> Instance >> select import product configuration After you can process queue manually from the manual button in the queue the shopify > queue Queue lines :- in queue line all record will display of an products Log lines:- if any product is not imported then its log created in log lines Before executing this operation you need to check whether the sale order auto workflow configuration is done or not, if it is not then please create sale auto workflow configuration Go to Shopify => Configuration => WorkFlow process and create new workflow . After creating the sale order auto workflow. Go to Shopify => configuration => sale auto workflow configuration and set workflow configuration sale order auto workflow configuration Import stock operation for this shopify instance For importing stocks:- You can perform import stock operations from the shopify operation and its create queue as per the product and sale order flow. Export product operation After that, you can see that product in the Shopify connector with exported False its means that the product is not exported yet you can change the image and other info if you want. Shopify -> Products -> Products -> select Product from list -> action -> export product OR Shopify -> shopify operation -> export product Publish product operationFor Publishing product:-publish product same 2 way to perform the operation first select products from Shopify and from the action you can publish product. Shopify -> Product -> Products-> select product -> action-> publish product Also, you can publish products from the Shopify operation Shopify -> Shopify Operation -> publish products You can publish and unpublished products from the product form view Shopify -> Products -> Product -> select Product -> click on shopify publish OR Shopify Unpublish Update product operationFor Update product:- You need to select the product from Shopify and from action, you can update the product Also, you can update all products from the Shopify Operation Shopify -> Product ->Products-> select product -> action-> update product. You can also update product from here Shopify -> Shopify Operation -> Update Product Update product price operationFor Update product Price:- You can update all product prices from Shopify operation. Also, you can update specific product prices from the same as product publish You can set product price for odoo product from the price list Sale > Product > Pricelist >select your select pricelist -> edit product price . For Update product price:- You need to select the product from Shopify and from action, you can update the product price Shopify -> Product ->Products-> select product ->Action-> update product price. update product You can also update the product price from here Shopify -> shopify operation -> update product Update order status operationFor Update order status:- The update order status will update the order status on the Shopify website After the import order in odoo if any order state changed then that order is eligible for the update order status ex (if you import the pending order it means that order is in confirm state in odoo after the delivery done that order state will be done so we need to update that order status in Shopify website ) You can update order status from the Shopify operation.For Also, you can update order status from the sale order list view select to order for the update status, and from action, you can update the order status Sales -> Orders -> select order -> Action -> update order status. update product You can also update the order status from here Shopify -> Shopify Operation -> Update order status Update Image OperationFor Update Image:- Users can change and set images from the Shopify product view After that, you can update those images In, etc Shopify website You can update all images from the Shopify operation Shopify -> Shopify Operation -> update image. also, update the specific product images from the Shopify product view from the action Shopify ->Products -> Products -> select product -> add or update image. update product image You